LIVING [the integrative] LIFE

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Reflect Positivity

Many people use the new year to make new plans, set new goals, and become “newer’’ or “better” version of themselves. Others wait with bated breath for the “goal-setters” to fail because unfortunately, most people who set new-year goals, tend to fail. Studies show that by the end of January, only about 64% of people will still be on track, and by the end of June, that number drops down to 46%. Basically, by the half year, less than half the people who make resolutions, are still keeping them.

What resolutions do people tend to make? Well as you can probably guess, weight loss is the number one resolution, followed by finding love, and saving money. I think finding love and saving money are great goals, but weight loss is a tricky one, because this brings in the whole baggage of lack of self acceptance, trying to live up to silly societal beauty standards, etc. A better goal would be to live healthier, and if that includes a healthier weight, then that is admirable.

If you’re part of camp “goal-setter”, I wish you well in 2020; write down your goals, tell others your goals so you have an accountability group, meditate on them, be positive, and don’t give up. If you’re part of the group that waits for others to fail, I ask you to reflect on this thought: why do you want them to fail? What benefit do you get from their failure? Instead, I encourange you to cheer them on, celebrate their achievements, even the little ones. Be a positive reflection for them. I dare say that if more people reflected positivity, there would be way more than 50% of people who are still keeping their goals by summer.

I know many people find the subject of reflecting positivity to be a bit cheesy, but let’s really embrace it. Get ready because I’m closing out this post with a majorly cheesy daily inspiration quote that I’m sure somebody sent me on WhatsApp:

“Be a reflection of what you’d like to receive. If you want love, give love. If you want truth, be truthful. If you want respect, give respect. What you give out will return to you.” (Source: unknown— comment and let m know if you know the source).