LIVING [the integrative] LIFE

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Green Air Purifiers

Did you know that tropical houseplants can actually clean the air in your home? Plants don’t just absorb carbon dioxide, they also take in dangerous pollutants like benzene and formaldehyde. NASA actually did a study in the 1980s and recommend that we have about one plant per 100 square feet of floor space.

Plants like the English ivy, several philodendron species (like the very on-trend monstera), the spider plant, spathiphyllum (peace lily), sansevieria (mother-in-law’s tongue), aloe vera, and dracaena (dragon tree) are beautiful and hard working.

Go ahead and purify your home while greenifying it as well. You get the benefit of bringing the beauty of nature into your home, as well as knowing that the air you’re breathing is cleaner. As with all living things, they do require care, some more than others, so choose plants that are compatible with your lifestyle. Additionally, be mindful of pets and small children as some of these plants can be poisonous, and so require placement in a high or out of reach location.

Take a deep breath…